Sunday, September 14, 2008

Not-so-well and Naturalization

For the past few days, we've been dealing with a semi-sick child. While I was seeing my internist for my usual six-month checkup, Casey had to take Miles to a nearby office to see his pediatrician, who just happens to be my internist's brother. Strange, yes? They are both incredibly nice doctors, and as I'd been seeing the one for a while when I was pregnant with Miles, it made sense to me to choose his brother as my child's doctor. Anyway, turns out Miles has bronchitis. Thankfully it didn't get to the stage it was in February, but it's bad enough that he's needing breathing treatments four times a day plus antibiotics. He's much better now, just a bit cranky with that congestion. I don't blame him!

In other news, today is the 19-year anniversary of my family's becoming naturalized American citizens. I really can't believe it's been that long. Last night I was telling Casey that it was nine years and then thought about it and was shocked to realize I'd left off ten whole years! So, today is a special day for me, not that I really do anything to celebrate...just remember and am thankful for the sacrifices my parents made.


Jenece said...

Where is your family from? I hope your son gets to feeling better poor guy.

Jenece said...

Oh and What is The Happiness Code about? Is it a good book. Is that Friends, Lovers, Chocolate going to be a movie? That looks cute.

tracey said...

Hey Jenece! My family is from Africa, we left when I was just three years old. My parents were born and raised there, so we left all our family over there almost thirty years ago.

The Happiness Code is pretty interesting...kind of hard to explain, but has to do with some bioengineering stuff. It's a tad futuristic. I'm really liking it, hoping to finish it in the next couple of days.

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