Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Blogs, Knitting and LOTR...and more Junebug

I know, I know...I haven't posted anytime recently. This blog thing can either be a really fun thing or a really pain thing. And yes, I meant to say it that way. I've mostly been enjoying reading my favorite blogs, and then of course when they don't post I'm like, "Hey, c'mon slacker! I want some new material already!" Hmm...pot calling the kettle black?

If you look in the sidebar, there is Sarah's Blog, which I've really been keeping up with because she is due with her baby girl in just under three weeks now -- very exciting stuff. Sarah's blog is very entertaining but also refreshing and sweet, in my opinion.

And if you've noticed my new "Right Now I'm Reading..." section, you'll see Knitting For Dummies there. People laugh at my Dummies book, but it is a great resource for beginning knitters. I started a project the other day and I am so excited to see it taking shape and actually looking like something! I'll move on to more complicated things later, but for now I'll continue on my "Valentine Heart Cloth" as it's called. It's so cute!

By the way, if you are a Lord of the Rings fan,then check out this link and this link. My brother told me about these. Thanks Trev!

And for those of you who need to see more Junebug...

This is Junebug's "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do
about it?" face. She likes to intimidate us. =)


J said...

I have knitting needles.
I have yard.
I need a teacher.

tracey said...

I think Mr. Church meant, "I have yarn." =)

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