Monday, April 20, 2009

Birthday Stuff

Here are some late-coming pics from Miles' birthday weekend and birthday party. Enjoy!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar cake I attempted...


...and after. Oh, the humanity!

Since Miles has only 'Wii-bowled,' we thought we'd take him to a real bowling alley...

...turns out he liked air hockey with Grandma much better.

Right before he decided not to blow out his candle (then did it later that week at his party, only I was so surprised I didn't capture it on camera!).

What was the biggest hit at the party? The cupcakes, so lovingly made by his mother? Um, was the freakishly large number of balloons all over the floor! (Actually, I didn't care...he had a great time and that's all that mattered to me.)


Jolene said...

That. Is. The. Most. Amazing. Caterpillar. Cake. In. The. World.


tracey said...

Very nice of you to say, Jolene...I think if you did a Google search you would find others that turned out a bit better -- but I'll take your compliment and run with it!! :)

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