Friday, May 30, 2008

Fun Friday Question!

What is one book you could read once a year and why?


Anonymous said...

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Yep. Love that one.

tracey said...

Haven't read it, but maybe I'll add it to the book box -- thanks for answering, James! =)

andrea said...

this is kind of a hard one! so many to choose from. i'm trying to come up with an answer but i'm still thinking......

Leah Maria said...

Anne of Green Gables. Actually I could read the whole series once a year. These books are the only ones I truely and completely loose myself in while reading them. Growing up I read them each summer.

Sally-Anne said...

I reread Scarlett about once a year. I just love it. I think (and I realize this is literary blasphemy) it's easier and more enjoyable to read than Gone with the Wind and it's so rich in detail. It's a great "get away from it all" book for me.

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