Sunday, December 16, 2007

"I'd like to buy a vowel..."

...are the words that will possibly be uttered to Pat Sajak by my friend Deborah on the January 8 episode of Wheel...of...Fortune!

How cool is that? Deborah, plus two other friends, traveled to Hollywood this past week for the taping. They came back saying that, although they are allowed to tell how much (if any) Deborah won, they are going to let us wait and find out. We'll be gathering in our student center to watch together and cheer Deborah on as she spins that big wheel!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Wow, that is so cool! My cousin was on "The Price is Right" once & won lots of stuff. She had to sell about half of it to pay the taxes on it though.
Merry Christmas by the way. Good to see you blogging again!

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