Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Slob no more

When I finished up my final day of work a week ago today, I honestly thought I would come home and be the biggest slob known to man (in particular, a man named Casey). I was almost afraid of seeing my slobbery jump to a height I had never known.

But no. My first day off, I found myself spending hours at the computer (hey, when that's what you've been used to for over six years...it's hard to stop!) working on photo-type things. By the end of my first day of 'rest' I was already on the heating pad, my poor aching back crying out for compassion. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow, I thought...I will rest.

Thursday included my doctor's appointment, which took longer than usual, and that afternoon we had to visit a clinic so I could have some more tests done. Friday morning involved a trip to help a friend celebrate a last round of chemotherapy, then a stop was made at the grocery store (even though we'd be buying groceries the next night, go figure!).

We did make Friday evening a stay-at-home movie night, lots of fun there, but Saturday found me going through all of our files -- reorganizing, refiling, and preparing to shred so much paper I think that will be a day all its own. Saturday evening was the aforementioned grocery shopping, but that wasn't so bad...

Yesterday afternoon was spent helping to sing at a funeral, and I really should have rested more afterward but I wanted to surprise Casey with a nice cake for dessert. Today began a new Ladies' Bible Class, first time I've really had the chance to participate so I thought I'd better get in while I can, right?

Casey and I have found ourselves laughing more than once at how much 'rest' I've been getting, considering how adamant I was about doing nothing those first three days off. I do intend to make time for rest, I promise...just as soon as I go through all those magazines that have been piling up since last May.


Lori said...

I have found it difficult to really, really rest at home. There is always somthing that catches my attention that I simply must attend to! Rest really is a discipline, one I am still trying to master. I think you'll get better at it though! Just practice more. :)

Sarah said...

Tracey, am I going to have to order you on bedrest?!!

tracey said...

Lori, you are so right. I find myself thinking of things all the time!

Sarah...how did I know you'd be giving me a lecture? =) I am glad to tell you that I have made a print-out list of my RTM weekly planner, and every day includes rest! =)

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