Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Floating thoughts

Sarah just blogged about her goal to "say something simple and real, something with hope in it." She has been inspired, and in turn inspires me! I want to thank Sarah for her inspiration, and I myself am looking to share hopeful things (sometimes just humor though) here. However, I am experiencing one of those days in which that meanie known as fatigue is bearing down on me. I am feeling inspired, and yet my body is saying, "Um, sorry...nothing we can do right now. You'll just have to wait it out." I struggle to know how exactly to give glory to God through my occasional pain and fatigue. I trust that he will use me where needed, but it is a tough thing for me to figure out. And waiting...well, waiting is just not my thing! We all wait at one or more times in our lives for something, and yet there are some who handle it so much better than others. God has much work to do in me! Meantime, I continue to appreciate so many who inspire me and challenge me to be more than I am.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Tracey, your humor is always inspiring. :) But I enjoy your serious posts too. You are a very thoughtful person and it comes across in your writing.

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