Monday, August 01, 2005

I am apparently...Ephesians

You are Ephesians
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Ann said...

I am the book of Ephesians. I like that book, so I guess it is appropriate.

Sally-Anne said...

I am Romans. Appropriate enough, capisce?

tracey said...

Well, I didn't read what it said for Romans, so not sure if I capisce. Is that how you spell capisce? Wow, all those years I heard it from Full House's Uncle Jesse, I never pictured it that way...

Sally-Anne said...

Eh, what it said for Romans was pretty noncommittal. I'm just saying that Romans, in theory, is appropriate since I'm Italian, and all. Yeah, no one knows how to spell "capisce" until they see it. I was surprised when I first learned it (in high-school Italian class).

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