A lot of you may be wondering why, if I got out of the hospital in May, did it take soooooo long for me to blog again? Here's the shortest version I can give you: I went back. Alright, I'll give you a little more than that. I believe when I got out in early May, it was my first time back home since Miles' birth. I was back in the hospital a week later because of some fevers, and an appendectomy that should have taken place right about now happened instead in early May. Sigh. And, unfortunately, it could not be done laproscopically...that meant, yup, another big scar. I'm fine, I've dealt with that -- for the most part, anyway. After a ten-day stay my second time in, I was home for (I think) a weekend before I was back again. Yes, the fevers. Again. My third stay turned into a 21-day ordeal, and I was back in again the day after I got out. This time it was just a night, but a week later I went back in for (hopefully, please Lord) my final stay. Four weeks I was there, and I just arrived home two days ago. Whew!
That was honestly the shortest version I could come up with. I am happy to report that Miles is a very big three-month-old boy, between 12 and 13 pounds we estimate, and he is just starting his cooing and smiling for us, which makes so many troubles worth it. I am still very weak and will be recovering, I assume, for quite a while now. I've had my share of tears over all of this, and I've even had my moments of anger about the time I've lost and how long it will take to get back to "normal" again...but for the most part I am incredibly thankful for the prayers that have been offered on my behalf by a countless number of wonderful people I am so blessed to call my Christian family. My parents helped us through a great deal of this, and my in-laws as well, and of course I have to mention my husband Casey, who has been at my side, has slept on a hospital couch by my side night after night, encouraging me and going above and beyond what I ever thought a husband should have to do. What a guy.
I hope I can slowly start to get some more updates on here, and maybe a picture of Miles will appear soon...you never know. Thanks to all of you for checking in. Take care.