Sunday, September 20, 2009

Out of the Mouth of Miles

Miles is seriously revving up the vocab these days. It's something new every day! And now there are questions about everything.

If it sounds like I'm complaining, I promise I'm not -- I am loving it! Miles has shown for a while now that he has his own, strong opinions about the way things should be. Now he has added to that an extremely inquisitive nature. There have been sprinkles of questions here and there, but now it is almost a constant thing. It makes me nervous too, because...I certainly don't have all the answers, and now here is this little person I'm responsible for asking me for them!

This morning before worship, I took him to the bathroom. As we were leaving he saw a small container of potpourri on a table and asked to see it. I showed it to him and of course he wanted to know what it was. I told him, "It's called potpourri." At this point we were leaving the bathroom and walking back down the hall. Now he asked, "What does that potpourri do?" "Oh, it just helps the room to smell nice." But that wasn't all. Miles then asked, "And how does that potpourri work?" Umm...well...and I answered, "There are just all different things in there to make it smell good." This seemed to satisfy him. Whew!

Before worship began, Miles was having a bit of an attitude. He's like this at times with the transition from Bible class to worship, but it doesn't last long. I had brought his library puppet (love that he gets to check out books and puppets!) and told him that he wasn't going to get it if he didn't start being nicer. His response was, "I was being nicer and I said could I have ag-a-dayo (armadillo) pwease!" I had to turn my head away so he wouldn't see me laughing. Eventually I gave him the puppet and said, "What do you say? Can you say 'thank you'?" Still in a mood, Miles answered, "I don't have the words!" My response was, "The words are thank you."

Sometimes questions are both endearing and uplifting. As Miles and I were driving to Bible class this morning (Casey had to leave earlier), the rain was pouring down. And it wasn't just a simple rain shower, it was the kind of rain that is difficult to even see through while you're driving. From behind me I hear Miles ask, "Mom...could you make the rain really soft?" It was so cute, and at the same time I thought, how cool that my kid thinks I am powerful enough to control the weather!


Anna Gieber said...

3 yr olds are so funny! i wish they would stay this age for a little while longer! Mine is at the WHY stage...but he said the other day the squirrel was going to watch him play outside while i was doing school work on the computer and his daddy was doing the dishes lol!

Jacqueline Smith said...

Too cute...

tracey said...

Anna ~ Me too! I keep telling Miles to stop getting bigger. :) So cute about your little one and the squirrel. Their minds are amazing.

Jackie ~ Thanks!

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